This weekend I was back in my hometown to shoot a wedding. There were so many cool things about this wedding that made it a lot of fun. I can't wait to finish getting all my shots together.
First off, I actually went to college with the bride. We came in together as freshman, and we both played sports, and were active in the Greek life. Brandi and I ran in the same social circle and were in a lot of classes together since we shared the same major. So when she asked me to capture her wedding day, I knew it was gonna be a blast. Not to mention that her and Dj are a totally hot couple and they are so sweet together. They love to laugh, and it was hard to get any serious shots, because they were so funny, and were always laughing and smiling. They are the cutest couple ever, and I was very honored to be apart of their day.
Secondly, I had one of my buds along with me. Fellow photographer Jonathon Campbell. Not only is he a great photographer, he is supersmart about the biz, and so when I listen to him, I realize how much I don't know. So needless to say I learned a heap load from him this weekend. Not to mention that he is freakin' hilarious, and has killer Ninja like skills.

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