The Outerbanks!
This past week I flew to Raleigh and met up with my best friend and Sister to drive to the Outerbanks. We met up with my dad to hang out and do some fishing. Well the first day I was there I caught something, but it wasn't a fish it was some virus that well.... felt like death! So my first 24 hours of my "fishing" trip was spent in the bunk bed at the cottage asleep fighting for my life :) So after a 24 hour bout of the "death virus" I woke up, only to find that we were under Tropical Storm warning with 45 mph winds and torrential rains! Awesome!!!
So you know how all the houses at the beach are on stilts yea so stilts and 45 mph wind gusts don't mix very well so playing scrabble at the kitchen table felt like being on and episode of the deadliest catch and let me tell you when you actually see a sliding glass door bow in and out like and umbrella on a windy day, You have a new respect for nature. The sea was crazy and the sand would actually cut you it was so windy. Natalie (best friend) and I ventured out and had to use safety goggles to keep the sand out of our eyes! It was awesome!!!
Sooo....Tropical Storm Polo proceeded for the the next 48 hours which caused the outerbanks main road to flood! yay!!! driving was sooo fun! Well the third day we finally get out to do some fishing!!! After 48 hours of baiting my hooks and wading in water with the coolest of fishing garb. I caught...get this.. NOTHING! NOT EVEN A BITE. NOT EVEN A NIBBLE. NOTHING! The only friggin thing I caught was a fever, and some occasional trash!
So I was able to catch some cool photos! The trip was fun even under the circumstances and It was so great to hang out with my family and friends!

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