The Mocha Club
So I wanted to share with you all something that Benton and I are super excited about. Benton and I have always felt a calling to use our careers and talents for something much bigger than entertainment or financial stability. We knew that nothing we ever did on this earth would mean anything unless we impacted a life or helped someone in someway. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the everyday hoopla and become brainwashed into thinking that certain things on this earth will provide happiness. So Benton has partnered with an organization called the Mocha Club. The Mocha Club is an organization that is raising awareness of the joy and faith that exists in Africa. They support a number of projects that include, child mothers, Education, HIV/AIDS, Job Creation, Orphan Care, and Sudan Re-growth. So we are very happy to be involved with an organization that will allow us to follow through on the plans God has laid on our hearts. Please take the time to look at the website, it will touch your heart.

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