The Williams Riley Band
About 2 years ago Benton and I took a road trip to Greenville, SC to meet some people that were interested in Signing Benton to their record label. Well that trip not only changed our lives, but we were blessed with some of the most amazing people who we now consider family. Benton is signed to a label called Golden Music based out of Greenville, SC. I am a native of SC and it will always be home to me, so the fact that Benton's label is based there is completely fitting and somewhat ironic. There are two artists on the label, Benton and a band called The Williams Riley Band. Over the past two years everybody related to Golden music has become very close. The music business can be crazy at times, actually it's crazy ALL the time. But, it's amazing to see how hard work and passion pays off. Even though I am not a musician, I get so emotional when I see my husband & friends achieve those goals they have worked so hard for. They have sacrificed so much to do what they do and their families the same. It's always an awesome thing to see the hard work develop into something. So, here are some good friends of mine, The Williams Riley Band and their new music video for their first radio single "I'm Still Me". You can view their video on CMT.COM and it will be running on CMT pure country TV starting tomorrow. They are also in the middle of a radio tour so call your local stations and request "I'm Still Me".
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